The project meets the objectives of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships in that it focuses on “improving and expanding the provision of quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of low-skilled or low-skilled individuals to improve their digital literacy skills” and “expanding and developing the skills of educators, particularly in effective teaching in literacy, numeracy and digital skills, to low-skilled or low-skilled individuals, including through the effective use of ICT” by improving educational practices for the target groups.

The DigiPed Cookbook will enable educators to apply digital pedagogy and transform their teaching and learning to provide diverse and flexible learning opportunities by providing a comprehensive and practical guide using the recipe metaphor and the creation of an online community. 

The target audience is educators working in adult education and educator trainers, but also institutional managers and policy makers at regional or consortium level, adult learners and trainers in other educational sectors, especially in vocational and general education.

Project Partners

Active Citizens Partnership Greece, Coordinators

iberika Education Group Germany

Defoin Spain

Verein Multikulturell Austria

ADICE France

Community Action Dacorum United Kingdom

Erasmus+ 2018-1-EL01-KA204-047775

Join the Community of Best Practices

Digital C2 Training 09.12-11.12-2020

Digital C2 Training 09.12-11.12-2020

From December 9th-12th, we had the pleasure of taking part in an online training for our Digital Pedagogy Cookbook project, which aims to introduce digital pedagogy to educators using the metaphor of the recipe and to make a significant contribution to the improvement...

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Digital Pedagogy Cookbook Projektziele

Das Projekt: Digital Pedagogy Cookbook Die Technologie verändert grundlegend, wie wir lehren und lernen and macht es dadurch interessanter, aber auch herausfordernder. Pädogogen stehen vor wachsenden Herausforderungen, um der zunehmenden Bedeutung der Technologie im...

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